MRM - mobile and stationary batching plant (Turkish) MRM - mobil ve sabit istifleme tesisi…
Frumecar – mobile and stationary batching plant and drum mixers (Spanish) Frumecar - Mezcladores…
HORPRE – automatic and semi – automatic block m/c (Spanish) HORPRE - bloque automático -
Poyatos concrete block making machine
poyatos máquina de fabricación de bloques de hormigón
Maderas Goiriz – wooden pallet for St. (Spanish) Maderas Goiriz - plataforma de madera para St.
vifesa – concrete pipes lines (Spanish)
vifesa - líneas de tubos de hormigón (español)
ZB – stone crusher and recycling scrap shredder (Spanish) ZB - trituradora de piedra y…
Concretech is one of the largest companies in the field of supplying concrete equipment. We always strive to provide everything new in the field of equipment.
This is a brief overview of the company